by Lucy | Aug 24, 2016 | Well Balanced Wisdom
Life is too short to not treat ourselves, especially in those really special, not-going-to-happen-everyday moments. Gretchen Rubin, author of Better Than Before, is a big fan of “treats” and so am I! She says that a treat can be anything that makes you happy. It can be a new book, extra time to meditate, a phone call with a pal or of course a yummy food or drink.
The key to treating ourselves in a well-balanced manner is to not let food treats creep into our everyday moments. This is tricky, right?? It is really easy to get in the habit of ending every meal with something sweet. I like how Eve Schaub puts it in her book Year of No Sugar. She says something along the lines of ‘not eating dessert after dinner feels like going to a movie and leaving right before the happy ending.’ Can you relate? Yep, me too. Eating a sweet after every meal is a hard habit to break but it’s an important one to think about.
Melissa Hartwig, creator of the whole30 program has a good rule of thumb. She calls it the one bite rule and it basically means don’t be afraid to stop at one bite if that food isn’t all that you thought it was cracked up to be. She says, “the only reason to indulge in a less healthy treat in the first place is if it’s so incredibly, deliciously worth it that you’re willing to accept the less healthy consequences as a trade-off for getting romantic with this treat.”
So for me those (two) s’mores that I ate were totally worth it! I savored every bite and took in the moment! And I loved watching my 3 year old do the same!! But I don’t want to reintroduce the sugar dragon in my life on a nightly basis. I sleep better and feel better without it.
So….here are some questions for you to ponder….
1. What makes you happy? What one considers a treat, may not be what you consider a treat. So knowing yourself is important! Make a list of at least 3 things that make you happy.
2. Which food treats are super special and worth every calorie? Is it your momma’s homemade pumpkin pie? Is it a latte from your favorite coffee shop that you enjoy with a friend? What makes them special to you?
3. What foods are you eating regularly that you could really pass up? Store bought cookies? Ice cream after dinner every night? Stale doughnuts at the office? Do they really taste good? Are they really special?
4. What non-food treats can you enjoy more often?
by Lucy | Aug 17, 2016 | Well Balanced Wisdom
It’s 8pm. My husband is working the late shift. I just put the kids to bed. It was far from the peaceful scene I once pictured in my head before having kids. You know… sweet snuggles, fun bubble baths and sweet hugs and kisses before I leave the room. Don’t get me wrong there was some of that but not without plenty of struggles. Like the sprinting after my child who is running from me the moment I mention bath time, the frantic ‘oh crap where’d the paci go’ search, the argument over which pajamas to put on (the clean ones or the ones she has worn 5x in a row already), the shame from losing my temper, the cries for attention when I only have 2 hands and 1 lap, and the long lasting pleading, screaming, whiny finale I hear when I finally say, “it’s time to go to bed.”
Sigh. I close the door. While I still hear crying I walk down the stairs and look around at my messy house. I see dishes to do, toys to clean, emails to return, projects to work on…. ugh..I just can’t. It’s too much and I feel like I just ran a marathon! So, I open the pantry and I treat myself to some cookies. Just one more. And another. I can’t stop. Oh look… the package is gone. This is embarrassing.
Hello. My name is Kristen and I am a recovering perfectionist. I never thought I would admit to overindulging in a moment of weakness. To start out my blog post telling you about the far from perfect bedtime scene in my house. But I can share this with you now because I’ve learned to have compassion for myself, to realize that I’m only human, to look at my failures as lessons and to not let my failures define me.
Turns out that a requirement for being a human is to be imperfect. Which means FAILING is just part of the whole process. Well-balanced eating (and well-balanced living for that matter) is not fail proof because at the end of the day no matter what plan we decide to follow we are only human and this is real life.
Too often we expect the journey to be picture perfect and we don’t plan
for the struggles. It doesn’t matter the number of mistakes, slips, failures – no matter what you call them – that you have, it’s how you embrace them and what you do next that matter the most. Lucy and I like to call them LESSONS because there is always something you can learn or a way you can grow from something not going the way you hoped. We can get a lot further if we embrace the struggle, have compassion for ourselves and never let our set-backs define us. Learn, love, grow and keep on, keeping on. What “lessons” have you learned lately?
Here is some food for thought:
What areas in your life did you imagine to be picture perfect?
What mistakes, slips, failures in your life can you embrace a little more? What lessons can you learn?
Do you beat yourself up for making mistakes? What can you do to show yourself more compassion when you mess up? (Journaling and positive affirmations work wonders for me!)
Are you letting your mistakes define you or hold you back? Instead, what can you do to grow?
by Lucy | Aug 10, 2016 | Well Balanced Wisdom
My friends and family who knew me most growing up would say that I am not the outdoorsy type. First of all I hate bugs and second of all I just love the comfort of my own home. However, if you get me out there in the woods – I secretly love it. So when I hiked part of the AT with my husband and a great group of friends – it felt amazing. There is just something about the woods that renews your soul and makes you feel so alive!

Hello! I am so excited to be writing here every Wednesday for you all! Most of you know that playing in nature is one of Lucy’s favorite things to do and that it is a very important part of the Well-Balanced Nutrition brand. It’s something we both encourage because we know the benefits firsthand.
For my first contribution to Wellness Wednesday, I bring you the Well-Balanced Nutrition Manifesto. It exemplifies our philosophies and how we tie together nature, food and well-balanced living. As you read this I want you to picture yourself in the most beautiful forest you can imagine. The sun in shining, the trees are tall, the path ahead is inviting and a cool, gentle breeze is at your back. Here we go…
Little By Little We Travel Far
One small step in the right direction is all it takes, and it doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you do not stop.
Go Out on a Limb
Try something new once in a while, even if it is challenging.
Have Fun (Seriously)
Play with your food, play in nature, just play more.
Watch out for Bears
They are out there but don’t let other people sabotage your hard work and happiness.
Ride the Waves
Healthy eating means sometimes over eating and sometimes under eating. Healthy living means having ups and downs. It’s how well you ride the waves that counts.
Stop and smell the Roses
Savor the beauty, eat mindfully and live in the moment.
Bloom where you are planted
Eat local and connect with your community.
Map it Out but be Flexible
Failing to plan is planning to fail, but being too rigid won’t get you far either.
Life is a Hike but the View is Great
Nothing great comes easily but with effort and perseverance comes great rewards.
Let’s go and be adventurers!
Take our hand and let’s start a wonderful, well-balanced journey together! The more the merrier!
There you have it! That pretty much sums up our mission and our message. This. is. our. manifesto.
Food for Thought: What stood out to you in this manifesto? Grab a pen and paper and write down your favorite part. Perhaps revisit it a few times this week.
Thanks for stopping by! See you next week!
by Lucy | May 14, 2015 | Well Balanced Wisdom
It’s nearly tomato season in North Carolina so I thought it was time to start trying new bruschetta recipes.
This roasted red pepper, tomato and feta variety was quick, easy and delicious. Better yet, it gets yummier when left to marinate overnight. It pairs well with fish and likely anything you want to throw on the grill!
Roasted Red Pepper & Tomato Bruschetta
by Lucy | May 7, 2015 | Well Balanced Wisdom
This is a simple salad that can be made ahead because it gets tastier when left to develop it’s flavors overnight!
As a dietitian I’m supposed to LOVE kale…
Honestly, unless it’s in a smoothie or turned into chips I was not interested; that is until I discovered this salad, which was inspired by the salad bar at Weaver Street Market.
I welcome you to add to it and make it even better!