Make it easy!

Make it easy!

Stop what you’re doing. Think of something that’s really easy to do. Close your eyes and take a moment to think about it.

For me the first thing that came to my mind was brushing my teeth. I do it at least 2 times a day and it feels good!

Okay, what did you think of?

Now that we know what’s easy for us let’s take it a step further…

Why is it easy? Maybe it’s something you’ve been doing every day for the past several years. Driving a car is easy, right?

Next step, think of something difficult regarding your health and wellness. Maybe it’s finding a good doctor, working out at the gym consistently or packing lunch to take to work. What makes it a challenge? Maybe it’s new or something you have not done for a while. Chances are whatever change you are seeking is not a habit (yet!).

Food for thought:

Making healthy changes is not easy if you try to change everything all at once. You can make it easy by setting some smaller bite-sized goals to get to your bigger goals.

How can you make it easy this week?

What Fills Your Cup?

What Fills Your Cup?

I love this phrase – fills your cup – and I thank Kristen Norton for bringing it back into my vocabulary.
For those of you wondering what in the world that means, I would summarize that it’s same concept of what recharges your batteries? What gives you light or energy?

This week I had the pleasure of hanging out with some of my favorite mentors. These inspiring individuals have played a big role in my NC Wellness Adventures journey and hearing them speak at a conference I recently attended was nourishment for my soul.

One in particular is Denise Ryan of Firestar Speaking. Denise is a fun, entertaining and experienced public speaker who tells hilarious stories to relate to the audience and share practical advice for work and life. Listening to her AND having the pleasure of speaking with her totally and completely refilled my small business cup!

Food for thought:

Again I’ll ask, what fills your cup?

Maybe hanging out with friends and family, reading a riveting novel or spending time in a quiet place journaling.
If you’re not sure in this moment, that’s okay. A good way to find out is notice what gives you energy, and sometimes more importantly, what leaves you exhausted?
When we know what recharges our batteries it’s easier to avoid less helpful “escapes” such as alcohol or sugar.
No more grocery shopping guessing games

No more grocery shopping guessing games

(This week’s post is brought to you by Kristen Norton! Kristen is a fellow dietitian, adventurist, creative colleague and friend. She shares with us a useful tool to untangle grocery shopping confusion via the EWG’s Food Score app/website.)


We know whole foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat, wild-caught fish or poultry are best for our health. The reality, is that life is really busy and there is not always time to prepare every meal from scratch. Occasionally, you find yourself strolling down the center aisles filled with packaged, convenience foods and that’s where things get murky. Sound familiar?

Yep, we’ve all been there – confused and ready to give up. Good news? Yes, The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has got our back. The same group who brings us the “Dirty Dozen” list every year now offers us a tool that can lift the fog.
EWG’s Food Scores: Rate Your Plate

A handy database to guide healthy options at the supermarket. You can find the healthiest foods based on three important criteria: nutritional value; amount of concerning ingredients like additives and preservatives; and the degree and type of processing.

With a few taps on your smartphone, a quick scan of a bar code or a couple of clicks on your home computer, Food Scores can reveal if those packaged foods are truly healthy options or junk foods in disguise. No more guessing.

Food for thought: 

It’s a grocery shopping tool in your pocket!

As easy as: (1) going to the App store, (2) searching EWG Food Score and (3) install it for free.


Go to Search for any food. The lower the score, the better!

Mental Health Day

Mental Health Day

On this Labor Day that celebrates us hard-working American’s it only seems appropriate to talk about the importance of these play days.

I was lucky enough to be raised by mother who believes in taking mental health days. Yes that’s right, she let me stay home from school “just because” one time per semester (as long as I was not dodging a test or presentation).

As I dive into a 2 week mental health retreat, it occurred to me that I have 110 hours of unused PTO from five years working for the clinic. That’s almost 3 weeks of vacation time that I didn’t use.

It’s no surprise that Americans are world-renowned for not taking their leisure time as other countries do. According to a US Travel Association study, American’s took 16 of their 20.9 vacation days in 2013. All work and no play does not help get us ahead as we often end up more stressed or burnt out by neglecting to take days off to recharge.

Food for thought:

What are we waiting for? If you’re like me and found yourself saving up PTO only to watch it go unused, stop that.

I understand completely that it’s hard to step away because of the flurry that awaits when you get back, but this is your time and your health. Today I wish you courage to take that step to be selfish and plan your next fabulous get-away! 

Journey into Mindfulness

Journey into Mindfulness

Becoming More Mindful

Mindfulness… What’s that mean anyway?

Last week I became mindfully aware of how distracted I am most of the time. I know I’m not alone as I see other people walking down the sidewalk on their smart phones, talking on the phone while driving or watching TV while eating. Yep, we’re a nation of multitaskers.


The sweet taste of summer!

The sweet taste of summer!

The tan lines may fade, but the memories will last forever…

The sweet (and spicy!) taste of Summer

Last week on the radio the DJ started talking about enjoying these last days of summer… The good news is you still have a full 4 weeks until Fall Equinox, but with September just around the corner and schools starting back up we know Autumn is almost upon us.  

It’s good reminder that we only have a few weeks left to savor Summer. As I sit here munching on my sweet, juicy fresh, and local peach I can’t help but stop and appreciates how delicious the summer season is.

There have not been enough tomatoes and peaches in my life so I have to make up for that in the next few weeks!
