What Fills Your Cup?

by | Motivational Mondays

I love this phrase – fills your cup – and I thank Kristen Norton for bringing it back into my vocabulary.
For those of you wondering what in the world that means, I would summarize that it’s same concept of what recharges your batteries? What gives you light or energy?

This week I had the pleasure of hanging out with some of my favorite mentors. These inspiring individuals have played a big role in my NC Wellness Adventures journey and hearing them speak at a conference I recently attended was nourishment for my soul.

One in particular is Denise Ryan of Firestar Speaking. Denise is a fun, entertaining and experienced public speaker who tells hilarious stories to relate to the audience and share practical advice for work and life. Listening to her AND having the pleasure of speaking with her totally and completely refilled my small business cup!

Food for thought:

Again I’ll ask, what fills your cup?

Maybe hanging out with friends and family, reading a riveting novel or spending time in a quiet place journaling.
If you’re not sure in this moment, that’s okay. A good way to find out is notice what gives you energy, and sometimes more importantly, what leaves you exhausted?
When we know what recharges our batteries it’s easier to avoid less helpful “escapes” such as alcohol or sugar.
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