Lucy’s story continued…

by | Motivational Mondays

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. -Napoleon Hill

To catch you up, I went on a 21-day elimination diet to figure out my IBS issues, which you can read more about in Lucy’s PB Story.

What story are you telling yourself?

I told myself, “I could never live without peanut butter!” As it turns out, that’s not true. I really enjoy eating peanut butter, but what I really like is the creamy, sweet & salty combo that peanut butter provides. 

Maybe you’ve said, “I could never drink black coffee!” Or “I wish I could slow down while I eat, but I always ate fast growing up and this is just how I am.” Perhaps you’re telling people “I want to work out, but I just don’t have time for it.” 

We all have stories that are keeping us from achieving our goals. We justify a lot of our actions or inactions by the stories. 

A few lessons I’ve learned: 

It comes down to mind over matter. The first three weeks were difficult; however, it got progressively easier day by day. Every time I was tempted to eat something that might knock me off course I remembered why I started this elimination in the first place. My mantra became “I am healing myself from the inside out and I feel much better now.” 

A bit of creative thinking and self-compassion can go a long way. When/if you decide to make lifestyle changes remember that it’s going to require your time, energy and attention. Give yourself creative freedom to enjoy the journey and lots of self-love and compassion to stay the course.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been to the pool at least 2-3 times a week and I am not ashamed! I deserved a treat for my efforts and lounging by the pool with Harry Potter is my happiness. 

Failing to plan is a plan for failure. This has never been truer for me. One day, in the first week, I did not pack enough food for snacks and on the way to a client appointment my blood sugars crashed. I was driving down Weaver Dairy Rd and I knew if I didn’t go find food hangry Lucy would present herself. Luckily, Food Lion was just a mile away and I went and got myself a Lara bar (energy dense but delicious whole-food option!). 

Food for thought: 
For any new changes you are considering, don’t be afraid to consult a trusted online resource (one of my favorites!), your best friend, family or your friendly local dietitian – *wink*wink – for some strategies and guidance to set you up for success.

To kick-off Kristen’s Whole 30 (see her delicious eats and food adventure here!), I thought it’d be fun to include this delicious and nutritious grain-free, dairy free Crab Cake recipe. 

This week’s recipe, Paleo Crab Cakes is brought to you by the

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