Lucy’s Friday Favorites!

by | Friday Favorites

Friday, January 27, 2017

Favorite hiking trail in the triangle: Company Mill Loop at Umstead Park Screen Shot 2017-01-27 at 5.53.57 PM

If you’ve been following, you already know I’m addicted to walking, hiking, and playing in the woods! It’s probably my favorite pastime and often where I get inspired to write these lovely blog posts. About 7 years ago I was introduced to Umstead State Park and quickly adopted the Company Mill Loop as my “training hike” for backpacking excursions. This trail is moderate in difficulty with some beautiful views along the water. The entire loop is 5.8 miles, so be sure to bring plenty of water and maybe a well-balanced snack. 

Screen Shot 2017-01-27 at 5.29.24 PMNew Favorite app: Happy Scale

I have to admit something, I’m not really an app person; however, this one is worth sharing! A wonderful client of mine brought it to my attention and here’s why does what they say about their free product:  

“Happy Scale will use fancy math behind the scenes to give you insights into how quickly you’re losing weight and when you’ll achieve your goals!

Also, you know that feeling of disappointment when you step on the scale and discover that in spite of how hard you worked, your weight barely changed? Well, Happy Scale will help you change your relationship with the scale because you’ll see your trend line moving down, slowly but surely, even when your scale won’t budge.”

We already know one of the easiest things you can do for weight loss is to step on the scale daily. Now you can add Happy Scale to your toolbox! 

Favorite whole grain: quinoa! 

Quinoa is my favorite no-plan-nutritious-meal base. I make a quinoa bowl by heating the pre-made whole grain and topping it with whatever leftover or steamer veggies are in the freezer. Then comes the protein! That may be a piece of fish, 2 fried eggs, chicken, or cheese.  

Favorite quinoa recipe: A Delicious Kale-Quinoa Bowl in 20-minutesScreen Shot 2017-01-27 at 5.43.18 PM

This vegetable-lover dish can be enjoyed by the meat eaters in your family as a nutrient-packed side dish to accompany any baked, grilled, or slow-cooked creation.


Photo credit: Izy Hossack of Top with Cinnamon

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