Gimme Some (Science About) Sugar: Optimize Your Blood Sugar and Insulin

Gimme Some (Science About) Sugar: Optimize Your Blood Sugar and Insulin

Post 3 of 4

Ways to Optimize Your Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels

Hooray! You’ve made it to the third post of the Gimme Some (Science About) Sugar Series. In the last two we’ve discussed how our bodies process sugar, what insulin and insulin resistance mean, and the effects of elevated blood glucose and excess sugar in the body. We’ve learned that too much sugar can have some serious health risks. Although the research linking elevated blood sugar to a wide variety of diseases can be scary, it gives us the knowledge to make choices that promote positive health outcomes. So let’s turn these facts into fuel for a healthier you!

Blood sugar imbalances can feel like a rollercoaster ride.

How to Detect Blood Sugar Imbalances

Before we dive into optimizing your blood sugar levels, it’s important to know the common signs that your blood sugar may be on a rollercoaster ride (beyond what is normal after a meal). The common symptoms of blood sugar imbalances include:

  • mood swings
  • fatigue
  • large bursts of energy followed by a crash
  • trouble concentrating
  • weight gain
  • dizziness and headaches
  • excessive thirst and excessive urination
  • dry skin
  • blurry vision
  • cravings for sugary foods/drinks

Ways to Optimize Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels 

Get Fiber Fueled

Fiber is a term used to describe any type of complex carbohydrate that our bodies cannot digest. Fiber slows the rate of digestion and absorption of carbs. This means your blood sugar will rise more gradually following a meal, and consistent intake of fiber can actually reduce our blood sugar levels in the long run, decreasing the risk of developing diabetes. Carbohydrates that are packed with fiber are always a great choice when you’re choosing a snack or meal planning. 

  • Examples include raspberries, strawberries, leafy greens, beans and lentils, oats, chia seeds, peas (especially split peas), pears, apples, avocados, and broccoli

Eat Well Balanced Meals

 When planning a meal it’s best to have a source of protein, complex carbohydrates, and fat on your plate. Extra bonus points if one or more of the foods you choose is packed with fiber. Each of these nutrients helps stabilize blood sugar levels on their own, but they’re even better together. Team work makes the dream work!  

  • Well Balanced Meal examples: 
    • veggie omelette with whole wheat avocado toast 
    • grilled chicken breast, a baked potato, and roasted carrots
    • black bean burger on a whole wheat bun with a side salad 
  • Snack examples:
    • apple with peanut butter 
    • veggies with hummus or yogurt dip
    • trail mix with dried fruit

Watch Your Added Sugar Intake

To clarify, added sugar is anything that isn’t already in our foods (fruits, vegetables, and dairy products have natural sugars in them already), so when we talk about added sugar we are NOT referring to these. However, any type of sugar (table sugar, brown sugar, syrups, etc.) that is added to a food or dish for flavor purposes, is the added sugar we must be aware of. 

  • Recommendations vary. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recommends that less than 6% of daily calories come from added sugars to achieve a balanced diet that is nutritionally abundant. The World Health Organization recommends 10% of your daily calories. Lastly, the American Heart Association breaks it down for men and women.
  • Plan out your meals and snacks so you can gauge how much added sugar is in your week ahead 
  • Avoid sugary drinks like sodas, juices with added sugar, or coffee/energy drinks loaded with sweet syrups 
  • Enjoy sweets in moderation

Move After a Meal

Research has shown that movement after eating can help reduce the spike in blood sugar. Sports Medicine recently published a scientific review of over 50 studies analyzing how single bouts of exercise help control post-meal blood sugar. The review found that a single bout of aerobic exercise (aka cardio) resulted in lower blood sugar levels. The best part? The exercise only had to be about 30 minutes in length and still had optimal effects as long as it occurred within 6 hours of eating! 

  • Exercise ideas: 
    • Take a walk on your lunch break after you eat 
    • Ride a bike whenever possible if you’re going out to eat, that way you have to ride it home after eating
    • Plan to eat before working out to not only fuel your muscles, but to optimize your blood sugar and insulin levels 
    • Have a family dance party after eating 

If you’ve made it through all 3 posts, thank you, and consider yourself a sugar specialist! However, our work here isn’t done yet. In the next (and last) post we are going to cover the different types of carbohydrates and discuss processed vs. natural sugars. See you next week! 

If you are interested in learning more about the science of sugar, watch our free workshop on how to fit sugar in a well balanced diet: Watch the workshop!

The Gimme Some (Science About) Sugar Series

Gimme Some (Science About) Sugar: Effects of Too Much Sugar

Gimme Some (Science About) Sugar: Effects of Too Much Sugar

Post 2 of 4

Welcome back to The Gimme Some (Science About) Sugar series. In post 1 we covered the basics about how our bodies process sugar and how excess sugar can lead to weight gain. However, there are many other effects of a sugar surplus in the body, so let’s dive in!

What does too much sugar do to your body?

Insulin Resistance Might Develop 

Remember that insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar by allowing our cells to absorb glucose. Insulin resistance develops when there is excess glucose in the bloodstream on a regular basis, reducing our cells ability to respond to insulin and absorb glucose.

As a result, our pancreas begins to produce more insulin so our cells will be able to allow glucose in. Our blood sugar levels will stay in a healthy range as long as the body produces enough insulin and our cells respond to it.

It is when the pancreas no longer produces enough insulin or our cells continue to be less responsive to insulin, that we can become insulin resistant and at risk of developing prediabetes (when our blood glucose levels are above the normal range but not in the diabetic range*).

Although insulin resistance and weight gain get the most attention when it comes to discussing the risks of excess glucose in the blood, there are other effects that are equally important to discuss. There are 3 that we will focus on for the sake of time.

Big spikes in glucose can cause Inflammtion

The body senses a lot of glucose in the bloodstream and it starts to believe something might be wrong. Our bodies then respond to this threat by triggering inflammation. But why is this inflammation harmful? An article by Vanderbilt’s School of Medicine put it best, “Inflammation also antagonizes the action of insulin, the hormone that stimulates muscle and liver to absorb glucose from the blood. And obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, in turn, increase the risk for heart disease.”

High levels of glucose in the blood cause a process called glycation.

Dr. Casey Means of Levels described glycation perfectly in a recent podcast saying, “glycation means glucose starts sticking to things in the body such as blood vessels or proteins.” When sugar sticks to things it starts to cause dysfunction and things in the body will work less efficiently. Dr. Means used the example of the wrinkling of our skin due to glycation of collagen. In other words, consistent large spikes in glucose (above what is healthy*) can accelerate the aging process by glycating the collagen in our skin.

Oxidative stress can occur.

When we dump a lot of glucose into our system, we strain the energy producing pathways in our bodies. This can lead to the production of free radicals in the body that cause damage to our cells, organs, and much more.

Steps you can take to prevent insulin resistance and damaging effects of sugar surplus include:

  • Eating the Well Balanced Way 
  • Exercise regularly
    • Moderate activity for at least 30 minutes – 1 hour, 5 times a week is great. Adding in more difficult activities like weight lifting, cycling, or endurance training 2-3 times per week is even better
  • Maintain a healthy weight
    • The number on the scale does NOT define you, but staying within a healthy range that is unique to your body can definitely help prevent insulin resistance and other health risks

If you are interested in learning more about the science of sugar, watch our free workshop on how to fit sugar in a well balanced diet: Watch the workshop!

The Gimme Some (Science About) Sugar Series


*According to the American Diabetes Association, the normal range for blood glucose 1-2 hours after a meal for individuals without prediabetes or diabetes is 140 mg/dL. For those with diabetes it is 180 mg/dL or higher. Fasting blood glucose for healthy individuals should be below 100 mg/dL, in prediabetes the range is 100-125 mg/dL, and in diabetes it is 126 mg/dL or higher.

Things to Know Before You Go (#2)

Things to Know Before You Go (#2)

As the holiday season revs up, we often look forward to our favorite festive foods. However, sometimes those delicious dishes can wreak havoc on our digestive system. Not to mention that the lack of regularity in our schedules, routines, and eating habits during this time of year can lead to irregularity in our bowel movements. However, holiday cheer doesn’t mean you have to feel bloated, constipated, or crampy! That’s why I (Bella)  teamed up with our friend Dr. Norah from Functional Pyhzio to come up with some ways to help you beat the bloat (and more) this holiday season.

What we put in our bodies influences what comes out of our bodies. Here are some things to add to your stool tool box: 

  • Stay hydrated – If constipation is a main complaint, you might not be drinking enough water throughout the day. Dehydration means our intestines don’t have enough water  and can lead to dry, lumpy, hard stools. 
    • Try and aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day to combat constipation
    • Set a reminder on your phone if you often forget about water throughout the day 
    • A great “hack” is to drink at least one glass of water as soon as you wake up (or at least before coffee) to start of the day the hydrated way 
  • Add more fiber – There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and slows digestion, allowing us to absorb more nutrients. Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water, adding to fecal bulk and softening stool, making it easier and less straining on our bowels when we go number 2. Typically the rule of thumb is that insoluble fiber is great for constipation and irregularity and soluble fiber is good for both diarrhea and constipation. 
    • Sources of soluble fiber: oats, apples, beans, bran, and barely
    • Sources of insoluble fiber: wheat bran, beans, whole-wheat flour, potatoes, cauliflower, and many other veggies
    • Adding nuts and seeds (especially chia and flax seeds) on top of yogurt, oatmeal, salads, or to smoothies can be an easy way to sneak more fiber into each meal
  • Keep movin’ – Physical activity is a great way to support your digestive system and keep you regular. Our intestines have natural movements that move stool through our bodies. However, exercise can be the push our bowels need if things start to slow down. 
    • A short activity that’s about 15 minutes long may be all that you need to get those bowels moving 
    • Consistent exercise promotes consistency in our bowel movements 
  • Ditch the irritating foods – If you find your stools to be looser than normal, then you may be consuming food or drinks that irritate your insides. 
    • Caffeine, alcohol, sugar alcohols (sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol), spicy, and fried or fatty foods are common culprits
    • However, everyone is unique and may have foods that are personally triggering. Try and keep a record of what you eat and drink if you are having loose stools regularly

Nutrition isn’t the only way you can manage your symptoms. Oftentimes things like toileting posture and muscle tension/relaxation are overlooked.  That’s why we love these suggestions from Dr. Norah’s recent blog post

  • “Toileting posture – when you’re sitting on the toilet (pee or poop) it’s important that you can fully relax and that you are comfortable. 
    • Place your feet on a step stool (the squatty potty is the best) to your knees are higher than hips
    • Lean forward 
    • Check out THIS post to learn more  
  • Abdominal Massage – self abdominal massage can help with digestion as well as improving constipation or bloating
    • Gently massage abdomen in small circles, starting at the right lower abdomen and working along the large intestine in a clockwise fashion 
    • Learn more abdominal massage techniques HERE
  • Pelvic Floor Relaxation – When the pelvic floor muscles can’t relax it makes it much harder to go. 
    • To work on pelvic floor muscle relaxation lay on your back with your feet together and knees comfortably out to the side
    • Take a deep breath in and imagine your lungs are in your pelvis. Feel your hips and pelvic floor relaxing as you breathe in and out.” 

Don’t let diarrhea, constipation, or belly discomfort get you down this holiday season. Next time your symptoms start to act up, try out these simple techniques so you can be jolly all season (and year) long.

Gift Guide for Health Gains in the New Year

Gift Guide for Health Gains in the New Year

Shopping for presents for friends and family can be a dreaded task during a busy
holiday season. We’ve made it easy for you this year by creating a gift guide (or wish
list) for you with must-have items that make a healthy lifestyle convenient.

Crate and Barrel Veggie Ricer: This is a simple yet helpful kitchen item. It allows you to
make fluffy rice out of your favorite veggies. Freshly riced cauliflower is less soggy
than the store-bought frozen cauliflower rice and makes a great base for numerous

Brimma Water Bottle: Drinking enough water throughout the day can get boring. The
Brimma water bottle allows you to add natural flavor to your water by infusing
fruits, herbs, or veggies of your choice. Some great combinations are cucumber and
lemon, pineapple and strawberry, blueberry and apple, or mint.

Food Chopper: This portable food chopper makes food prep easier and faster. It takes
away the hassle of cutting food and makes cooking more efficient, liberating your hands
from the dreaded task of chopping or mincing.

Vegetable Spiralizer: Spice up your pasta night by swapping the spaghetti with veggie
noodles. This fun little machine turns plain ole veggies into noodles within seconds! It’s
a helpful tool for adding more veggies to your diet while making food prep quick and

Prepdeck: Meal planning and prep is often the biggest obstacle to eating healthier. The
Prepdeck helps you plan and prep meals with an organized station including over 45
tools and features including 15 containers stored in the unit, a cutting board, grater,
zester, slicer, juicer, garlic crusher, peeler, julienne peeler, green stripper, and a bottle
opener! Who wouldn’t want this?!

Meal Planning That Works: If you or your loved one gets excited about making life in the kitchen easier, smoother, and more efficient – this course is one to not miss. Become a pro and have all the tools and cheatsheets at your disposal for making healthier, tastier, homemade meals happen. Give it as a gift or grab it for yourself! Black Friday Sale: Take 70% off with code: HOLIDAY2021

Healthy For The Holidays

Healthy For The Holidays

The holidays are quickly approaching which means it’s time for all things food, family, and friends. These seasonal festivities can be both cheerful and stressful. Whether you’re looking forward to a full house and a full belly or slightly dreading it, understandably, from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day our health sometimes gets put on the back burner. But the holidays don’t have to be hard on your health. That’s why the greatest gift you can give yourself this holiday season is to do it the Well Balanced way. Here’s how: 

Walk it off:

  • It’s all about regulating and controlling insulin. Elevated levels of insulin can have a major impact on your metabolic health. Studies have shown that simply going for a walk (or movement of any kind) after a meal helps regulate blood sugar and reduce the overall increase in insulin. Encourage your friends and family to get on their feet after any feast!

Don’t be like a turkey and overstuff yourself: 

  • There are lots of meals to be had this time of year, but make sure you give your body time to digest in between. If we eat too much too frequently, we often end up eating more than we need and feel overstuffed. It is also important to slow down and savor the food you’re eating to prevent rushing through a meal. The more mindful we are of the food we’re eating, the more we can enjoy it.

Don’t be like Santa and eat all the cookies:

  • Portion control is your best friend when it comes to those holiday dishes. But just because you want to stay healthy doesn’t mean you can’t have a Christmas cookie. Remember it’s about moderation. A great way to reduce your portions is to opt for a smaller plate. This will allow you to eat the foods you enjoy while making sure your portions are reasonable. And when it comes to the sweets remember that one is fun! Whether it be one cookie, one slice, or even one bite, it’s important you enjoy all the treats within reason.

Gift yourself with personal time: 

  • Self-love is the best love! Don’t forget to love yourself this holiday season. Taking a moment to check in with yourself, whether it’s a 10 minute walk or reading a few pages of a book, will help you remember to take time each day to prioritize yourself. 

Deck the Halls with Hydration

  • This time of year is filled with festive beverages, which means water sometimes gets forgotten. It is important to remember to hydrate all day and have a glass of water for every alcoholic beverage to avoid dehydration. Following up a glass of wine or cocktail with a glass of H2O is an easy way to space out your spirits and meet your water needs.

Don’t skip out on sleep 

  • It’s easy for our sleeping schedules to get thrown off by all the holiday cheer. However, getting a consistent 6-8 hours of sleep per night during the holiday season will allow you to feel energized for wrapping, cooking, and attending events. Studies have proven that sleep is often the missing key for achieving weight loss or health goals, making it extra important for you to sleep like a Christmas baby the next few months. 
Mindful Eating – What is it and why is it important?

Mindful Eating – What is it and why is it important?

Imagine sitting down at your team meeting conference table at 8:30 am. You smell a lovely free buffet-style breakfast and can’t wait to dig in. Now you are told to get your breakfast plate together and sit back down but don’t start eating yet. This is how my (Lucy’s) first experience with mindful eating began. It was an interactive demonstration that our former director graciously coordinated for the Nutrition team.

Meanwhile, I’m sitting in front of my hot oatmeal thinking “okay lady, my oats are getting cold…” We were told to close our eyes and assess how hungry we feel on a scale of 1-10… and the oats got colder. Then, we were instructed to look at the food and smell it. Decide what we liked about the food on our plate (or bowl in my case). Now I’m thinking “I don’t care! I just want to eat.” Finally, she gave us permission to eat our first bite. Only one bite then set the utensil down to notice the taste, texture, temperature, etc. 

All the while, we were sitting in the dark and not allowed to speak to our neighbors or have any distractions. We continued at this glacier pace of eating for the next 15 minutes – in dark silence. After about 7 minutes I got on my iPhone under the table and posted on Facebook that clearly, mindful eating was a new form of torture that I would not recommend.

For a bit of background, up to this point in my life, most of my meals were eaten while on the way to school or work, sitting at my desk, in front of the TV, or while socializing with my friends or family. So the idea of getting quiet and tuning into my hunger was completely foreign to me!

Fast forward several years, many books, and self-exploration later, I’ve come a long way. Since then, I have adopted my own mindful eating habits that are much less involved than the demonstration and can be done more easily in everyday life.

What is Mindful Eating?

It’s more than just slowing down. Eating mindfully is about awareness and intention. It calls for deliberate engagement on our part. It is making thoughtful decisions on what we gather, shop for, and select. The absence of mindful eating is eating with distraction, on autopilot, or letting your environment be the sole influence for your food choices. When we learn how to be mindful eaters, it allows us to make meaningful, clear choices about the food we’re eating and why.

What are the Core Principles of Mindful Eating?

Mindful eating can be a challenging topic for a lot of people, mainly because they are unsure of exactly what mindful eating means. The core principles of mindful eating are simple:

  • Bring awareness to nourishing properties of food through the process of food preparation and consumption
  • Select enjoyable and nutritious foods
  • Acknowledge food preferences non-judgmentally and give permission to enjoy fun foods
  • Recognize and honor physical hunger and satiety cues
  • Use wisdom to guide eating decisions

Mindless Eating

You can’t talk about mindful eating without discussing mindLESS eating. Mindless eating involves looking at environmental cues and triggers around eating and recognizing that you are often eating on autopilot. Without awareness and intention, your choices can easily be influenced by the outside world. This happens a lot when you are…

  • eating on the run (in the car)
  • eating while distracted (TV, phone, computer)
  • eating from large plates and/or buffet style
  • alcohol consumption and eating

Mindful eating involves making adjustments to avoid these triggers that may compel us to eat an unbalanced diet, eat too much, or both.

How do you practice mindful eating?

Here are Well Balanced Nutrition’s favorite tips for overcoming mindless eating using tools and adjustments you can make in your daily life.

  • Sit and savor your food – try not to eat standing up or at the counter. Make a true effort to sit at the table while eating.
  • Eat off of a plate [not out of the bag] – this will help you recognize and enjoy the food you’re eating by seeing what food is truly in front of you.
  • Do your best to avoid electronics when eating – focus on your meal by putting away the cell phone or TV – at least for a few minutes.
  • Eat from smaller plates or start with smaller portions. You can always refill after a mindful check-in with yourself.
  • Stock your environment with Well Balanced choices that you’re excited to eat.

How to become a more mindful eater? 

It takes time and practice. Let us guide you on that journey with individual sessions. We’ll share strategies, help you take action, and keep you moving forward. Book a clarity call to get started today.