Be Brave.

by | Motivational Mondays

Every day we wake up with the opportunity to change our lives. Stepping out of the box or going against the grain takes us from the expected to the unexpected.

As Darren Hardy summed up in Darren Daily;

Remember that doing what scares us is not only good, it is essential. If you want to step away from average and mediocrity, you have to do what you are afraid of.

Professionally, that might mean talking to your boss about a raise. On a personal note, it might mean trying a new food or restaurant you are unsure if you will like.

Last week I was taking this advice to heart and tried Capoeira – a Brazilian martial arts. I noticed on my way to the class that my stomach was in knots because I was genuinely nervous about trying something new. Not surprisingly, I loved the class and enjoyed doing a unique form of exercise.

Sometimes our fear stops us from stepping out of the comfort zone. We fear our own short-comings or being embarrassed. Other times we simply fear failure.

I was especially moved by what Christrian Martin in Entrepreneur said “But perhaps the strongest grip of all is the fear to be different. We’re both biologically programmed and socially conditioned to fit in with the crowd and conform. It can be hard to break away and do something truly unique.

The first step to overcoming your fear is to accept that you have it. Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

Yep, it’s that easy and that hard.

Food for thought:

What fears are getting in the way of your success?

Maybe a past failed attempt to lose weight is stopping you from trying again. Or a sports injury has scared you from doing a different exercise.

Call the fear out, and do it any way.

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