Power Off. Power On.

by | Motivational Mondays


Do you remember the computer blue screen of death?! Or do you suffer from a frustrating and sluggish computer that is not cooperating? If you have not already picked up the phone to call the IT department, the solution is typically to turn off the devise then turn it back on.

Here’s something to consider… A good night of sleep is the equivalent of powering off and back on for our body and brain. It’s the magic reset button that returns us to our fully functioning selves.

There are a lot of reasons to get a good night’s sleep – according to the National Institutes of Health getting sufficient sleep can effect our mental & physical health, safety and quality of life. Up to 60% of American adults report a few nights or more of sleep problems each week. Below are a few tips for good sleep hygiene shared by Fast Company.  

1. Set up your bedtime routine and stick with it! It could include writing in a journal, spending 15-30 minutes in a good book, doing meditation or prayers. Tell me about your healthy bedtime routine. 

2. Taking naps is good. Looks like we did learn everything we need to know if Kindergarten. Companies such as Google and Hubspot offer a space for mid-day napping for their teams. 

3. Make a cozy sleeping space. It important to note that light from our cell phones and TV’s may effect our internal clock and make falling or staying asleep more difficult. 

Thanks to the awesome folks at Techinsider, here are a few new-age tools (aka apps!) to help you learn more about your sleep patterns and make changes to get a better night’s sleep!

Food for thought: 

While laying awake at 4am because I did not have the common sense to follow my own advice (who knew coffee porter beer had real coffee in it?!) it occurred to me how difficult this concept can be.

Is there one easy change you can work on this week? I’m partial to incorporating a bedtime routine. It is amazing how cozy and relaxed I feel after putting on warm socks, spending time in prayer and/or meditation and reading.

What works for you?

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