End ofYear Reflection Questions

by | Well Balanced Wisdom

Is it just me, or is it all too easy to jump into planning the next year before truly reflecting on the previous one? Recently, I read “The PLAN” by Kendra Adachi and as expected it is full of wisdom. One of her points in the book is to look back before you look ahead. She says, “Reflection is simply noticing what’s already happened on purpose. It’s paying attention to the past so you can adjust as you move forward, prepare for the right thing, and intentionally live where you are.” She also reminds us to align our actions with what truly matters in our current season of life. I couldn’t help but tie these concepts into a holistic wellness review designed to look back on each area of health and well-being and then think about the next right thing.

Physical Health

  • Reflection: How does my body feel as I start the New Year? What signals is it giving me about my physical health?
  • Action: What steps can I take this year to feel stronger, more energized, or less stressed physically?

Mental Health

  • Reflection: What thoughts or beliefs shaped my actions last year?
  • Action: What mindset shifts or strategies might help me manage stress and focus on what truly matters to me in the year ahead?

Emotional Health

  • Reflection: How did I handle emotions like joy, stress, or frustration last year? What patterns do I notice?
  • Action: How can I create space for more positive emotions in my daily life this year?

Social Health

  • Reflection: How have my relationships supported or challenged my well-being?
  • Action: What changes can I make to cultivate deeper, more meaningful connections this year?

Environmental Health

  • Reflection: How does my current environment (home, work, community) impact my overall health?
  • Action: What small changes can I make to create a more health-supportive environment this year?

Existential Health

  • Reflection: What gives me a sense of purpose or meaning? How aligned were my actions with my values last year?
  • Action: What steps can I take to live a life more aligned with my purpose in the New Year or my current season?

As I reflect on these questions and focus on what truly matters to me, I hope you can do the same! May this reflection practice help you step into this new year feeling more balanced, intentional, and fulfilled!

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