What’s Your Vice?

by | Motivational Mondays

cakeThis was a question posed to me last week – specifically someone that wanted to know what foods or beverages I indulge in, because let’s face it none of us (especially the dietitian!) are eating perfectly all the time.

Ironically, that question was easy to answer last week… I’m a sucker for anything with icing! The new clinic I work at is filled with women that will use any excuse to eat cake (it’s BOGO at Payless, let’s get a cake to celebrate!).

I spent the week eating the edge pieces because I like a little cake with my icing.

I have found, people often believe it’s the cravings for sweets, a delicious beer or the occasional fried chicken with all the fixings is “the problem.”

I disagree.

It’s the day-to-day habits that make up our overall health and well-being. This includes but is not limited to habits such as making time to include movement or exercise daily, packing lunch to take to work, ordering the side-salad instead of French fries or spending 10 minutes in the quiet to meditate.

Food for thought:

What daily habit do you have that is not serving you? What can you do differently tomorrow?

Pick one small change and see how it feels.

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