Something to Celebrate

by | Motivational Mondays

There is always something to celebrate.

Most likely we’ve all been celebrating this past weekend for the 4th of July.

While walking through the grocery store last week I got to thinking about how there’s almost always something to celebrate. Notice the ever present holiday season – thank you retail stores of America for always reminding us what the next holiday is.

Each season comes with it’s own respective food to mark the occasion:
-> Cookies at Christmas
-> Cake for birthdays and graduation
-> Plenty of ice cream to bring in the summer months

If you’ve been following, you already know I’m not opposed to treats (see “What’s your vice?” for proof)! However, this constant bombardment of sweets, treats and so on can seriously start to impede on all the good stuff we do when we are not celebrating.

As someone who often finds herself indulging in these traditional celebration treats I want to take a moment to applaud those of you who have overcome the temptations.

I once had a client for personal training who told me that she had turned a new leaf because when she would go to parties or gatherings and somebody would offer her something off the dessert table, such as a rice crispy treat, she would simply say “no thank you, I already know what those taste like.”

Food for thought:

Never say never. The key to a well-balanced diet and life is to teach ourselves how to indulge within our limits.

If you can’t stop at 2 or 3 Oreos, you know not to buy Oreos. My go-to midweek dessert is 1/2 banana w/ 1 Tbsp natural peanut butter and a handful of chocolate chips. Yummy!

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